Our goal for summer learning is to encourage children to explore their curiosities and interests, promote a growth mindset, and maintain their current skills. All students will be expected to read at least one age-appropriate book and complete an activity of their choice from list 1. They will also need to complete at least one additional activity from the exploration list (list 2). New items have been added to the list so read all the choices. Students will receive one raffle ticket for each completed activity. They can win participation in games and prizes. All students are expected to participate and will be recognized for their work during a celebration of learning in the fall.
For Incoming sixth graders: Students were gifted a copy of the book, The Last Fifth Grade of Emerson Elementary by Laura Shovan. This is the book we will begin next school year with, so it MUST be read this summer. If your child only reads one book this summer, it MUST be this one. Your student should then choose one activity on the next page to complete for this book.
If this book is one of many books your student reads over the summer, they should complete one activity for any book that they read this summer.