Girls on stepper

Mrs. Goodale recently applied for a grant through the Connecticut Educator Support Funds Initiative…and it was FUNDED!

With this grant, she was able to carry through with a long-time vision of creating a course called “Fit Lit.” The goal of this concept is to integrate active movement opportunities with everyday classroom activities such reading, writing, researching, brainstorming, thinking, analyzing, speaking, and listening. 

Research shows that exercise can contribute to:

  • sharper thinking

  • increased focus and attention

  • reduced anxiety

  • reduced depression and negative moods

  • improved self-esteem

As part of our classroom, we now have a treadmill, 4 stair steppers, and 8 under-desk pedal bikes. With teacher permission and supervision, a signed waiver, and strict safety rules, students may now use these pieces of equipment if they are ever in need of a movement break, feeling stuck on an assignment, or just want a pause or break during a classroom activity or routine. 

In the photos, you can see students pedaling during a Book Club discussion and stepping while collaborating on a group project and  researching.