Yesturday, Grades 5-7 had the opportunity to go into a traveling planetarium that was set up in our gymnasium. It was a cool experience to be transported into space while never leaving our building. Please ask your kids about it.
26 days ago, Krista Bauchman
Space 1
Space 2
Space 3
Space 4
Space 5
Today is Wednesday, February 12, 2025. All schools and offices will operate on a two hour delay schedule today.
26 days ago, Trent Gerbers
Our OSMS students got an opportunity to travel through the galaxy today thanks to the planetarium provided by Mobile Ed Productions. What a view!
27 days ago, Trent Gerbers
Planetarium 1
Planetarium 12
Planetarium 13
Planetarium 4
Planetarium 5
Planetarium 6
Planetarium 7
Tomorrow night is the Channel 3 WFSB Girls Basketball Game of the Week between our Old Saybrook Rams and the Morgan Huskies. Let's pack the gym and support our Rams! Purchase your tickets at the link below:
about 2 months ago, Trent Gerbers
Thank you, 5th Grade Band, for a night of education and music!
about 2 months ago, Trent Gerbers
5th Grade Band Concert
5th Grade Band Concert 2
Our Middle School Choir spent the afternoon performing carols in front of The Kate.
3 months ago, Trent Gerbers
OSMS Choir
It's almost time to start singing! Let's hear those beautiful voices, Rams!
3 months ago, Trent Gerbers
Chorus concert 1
Chorus concert 2
chorus concert 3
We are so excited to introduce Otter. Otter will be the second certified therapy dog coming to visit OSMS students. A little bit about Otter: He's a lab mix, a rescue dog, and will be a sweet friend for our students. He already visits students at Goodwin and LOVES kids! He will be be accompanying our occupational therapist Dana Kalksma to school some days. As with our other therapy dog Tucker, please let us know if your child has any allergy concerns or fear of dogs. -Krista
3 months ago, Krista Bauchman
Otter 2
Otter 1
Otter 3
Please visit the Cuckoo's Nest today: noon-9pm. 10% of all proceeds will go to the OSMS PTO!
4 months ago, Krista Bauchman
PTO Flyer
Is your child missing something? Do you ever wonder where your child's clothing, shoes, or water bottles go? They are probably in our lost and found! We have SO MANY lost and find items. Look at the photos and stop in during conferences or send your child to come get their things. -Krista
4 months ago, Krista Bauchman
Today, we celebrated Veterans Day. We were fortunate to have a panel of 6 veterans representing different branches of the military to speak with our students. They shared stories about serving and protecting our nation. Students had the opportunity to learn from them and show their appreciation for all the veterans have done. Students made and served breakfast to our local veterans. At the green, several OSMS students participated in the Veterans Day Ceremony, two winning awards for their essays. We thank our veterans and congratulate Nadia and Keira for their winning essays.
4 months ago, Krista Bauchman
Matt Walton
Ceremony on Green
Essay winner
Essay Winner
Every year, it is an absolute honor for us to welcome and celebrate our veterans on Veterans' Day for a special celebration at Old Saybrook Middle School. The celebration begins with our students attending a panel where they get the opportunity to hear from our servicemen and servicewomen firsthand about their experiences. We follow the panel discussion with a student-made breakfast and a presentation where we recognize and applaud each branch of our military. Thank you to all of our Veterans here in Old Saybrook and beyond.
4 months ago, Trent Gerbers
Veterans' Day Celebration at OSMS
Veterans' Day Celebration at OSMS
Veterans' Day Celebration at OSMS
Veterans' Day Celebration at OSMS
Veterans' Day Celebration at OSMS
Boo! It was a very fun day at OSMS today. The teachers joined in the festivities. Please remind all trick-or-treaters to be safe tonight. -Krista
4 months ago, Krista Bauchman
Grade 5/6
Support Staff
Hespeler and Shea
Bauchman and Walton
Grade 7 team
Old Saybrook High School was honored to host the Shoreline Conference Soccer Championships last evening. Our girls' team played the #1 Seed Morgan Huskies, and the boys’ team also played the #1 Seeded East Hampton Bell Ringers. Both teams fell short of winning a Shoreline Championship but played hard until the end. The postseason will continue with two CIAC State Tournament games on Friday at home. Girls Soccer vs Lauralton Hall at 2:00 pm. Boys Soccer vs Immaculate at 4:00 pm. There is no charge for either game. Go Rams!
4 months ago, Trent Gerbers
Girls Soccer
Boys Soccer
The Connecticut Technology and Engineering Education Association (CTEEA) officially announced that Nick Sagnella has been selected as the September CTEEA teacher of the month! Nick has been selected for his hard work and effort within his teaching practice! Way to go, Mr. Sagnella! Go Rams!
5 months ago, Trent Gerbers
Nick Sagnella 1
Nick Sagnella 2
Yesturday, the grade 8 leadership group attended a trip to the state capital building. Representative Devin Carney was kind enough to provide the students with a tour of the state senate and house chambers. Students asked high level questions about the workings of state government. After, students were able to see the state supreme court.
5 months ago, Krista Bauchman
CT House
supreme court
CT Grown for CT Kids Week - Here is some of the delicious CT Grown food our students will be enjoying. We regularly purchase locally grown items for our meal programs.
5 months ago, Trent Gerbers
CT Grown
We love a good report card!
5 months ago, Trent Gerbers
Meet Mrs. Whaley - Special Education Teacher - My name is Nicole Whaley and I am so excited to be working at OSMS! I have been a special education teacher for 16 years. I live in Deep River with my family. I have two children Kallan (11) and Shaelyn (9) and we have a 12 year old dog named Galway (named after one of my favorite places to visit in Ireland). I am a self-proclaimed history buff and enjoy learning and reading about anything related to WWII. I have an adventurous heart and love to travel to new places near and far. Some of my favorite places I like to visit are Ireland, Yellowstone National Park, Cooperstown, NY and Gettysburg, PA. I am also a lover of bluegrass music! Looking forward to a great first year at OSMS!
5 months ago, Krista Bauchman
Mrs. Whaley
PJ Day and Food Drive Wednesday - See Flyer!
5 months ago, Krista Bauchman