Grades 5-12 perform together at Old Saybrook High School.
over 1 year ago, Matt Walton
HS and MS chorus
The OSMS Book Fair is taking place from December 4 - 8!
over 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
OSMS Book Fair
Old Saybrook Public Schools celebrated our Veterans this morning in a ceremony at OSMS. Thank you to all of our men and women who served our country. A special thanks to Alyssa Parker, one of our most esteemed graduates, member of the US Coast Guard, and our master of cermonies.
over 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
Alyssa Parker, US Coast Guard
Veterans' Day Cards
Grade 4 Veterans' Day Performance
Veterans' Day Breakfast
Old Saybrook Public Schools celebrated our Veterans this morning in a ceremony at OSMS. Thank you to all of our men and women who served our country. A special thanks to Alyssa Parker, one of our most esteemed graduates, member of the US Coast Guard, and our master of cermonies.
over 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
Alyssa Parker, US Coast Guard
Veterans' Day Cards
Grade 4 Veterans' Day Performance
Veterans' Day Breakfast
This is a test of the emergency notification system for the Old Saybrook Public Schools mobile application. If you are receiving this message in error, please contact Trent Gerbers at
over 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
1. Today (9/6/23): Students and teachers who aren't in airconditioned rooms will take breaks in alternate classrooms, meeting rooms, and spaces being made available so everyone gets out of the heat at some point. Outside activities will be limited. Building administrators will advise staff. 2. Tomorrow (9/7/23): We WILL have an early dismissal for the Middle School and High School only because Goodwin has air-conditioning. The Middle School will dismiss at 11:55, and the High School will dismiss at 12:00. The Middle School will proceed with open house for parents tomorrow night.
over 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
The first week of school was a tremendous success! Welcome back, Rams!
over 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
Goodwin First Day 1
OSMS First Day 1
OSHS First Day 1
Goodwin First Day 2
OSMS First Day 2
OSHS First Day 2
Mark your calendars! The OSMS Open House will take place the evening of September 7th. We look forward to seeing you. See your email for more specific information including grade level times.
over 1 year ago, Matt Walton
Grade 5 Families, Don't forget that Tuesday from 1-2pm is the grade 5 student drop-in. Students can meet their teachers and may have time to check out their lockers. Parents are welcome. Teachers have a lot of work to do to get ready so please understand that drop-in will end promptly at 2. We look forward to meeting you! -Krista
over 1 year ago, Krista Bauchman
Please note that all Old Saybrook school buildings and grounds will be closed from 6:00AM on Sunday, August 27, through 6:00AM on Monday, August 28, for the purpose of conducting police officer emergency response training. It is important that no one be on the grounds at that time.
over 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
Bus routes for the 2023-24 academic year have been posted to our website. To view them, click the Bus Schedules icon on the hompage.
over 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
23-24 Bus Schedules
Come to the Old Saybrook Police Department at 36 Lynde Street on Monday, August 21 from 1-4pm for an opportunity to pick up some free back-to-school supplies!
over 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
Free Back to School Supplies
Libre De Vuelta a la Escuela Suministros Escolares
Good Afternoon, Last year we discussed a possible change to our start and end times. OSMS school hours will remain the same this upcoming school year. Doors will open at 7:50. Students must be seated in their homerooms by 8:05. School ends at 2:35. We look forward to seeing everyone soon, -Krista and Matt
over 1 year ago, Krista Bauchman
The adventures of role-playing with Dungeons & Dragons!
over 1 year ago, Christina Healey
Students at round table.
Student with a book.
Now, that was a learning experience. Thank you to the U.S. Coast Guard Band!
over 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
US Coast Guard Band
Enrichment students learning about women in business.
over 1 year ago, Christina Healey
Students at Main St. business
Our students aren't the only ones who enjoy having meaningful, real-world experiences.
over 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
Mrs. Evans South Africa Trip 1
Mrs. Evans South Africa Trip 2
Mrs. Evans South Africa Trip 3
Games are always more fun when you make them yourself!
over 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
OSMS Summer Enrichment
Congratulations to our 8th Grade graduates! We know you are going to do amazing things at the High School next year. GO RAMS!
almost 2 years ago, Trent Gerbers
OSMS Graduation Photo 4
OSMS Graduation Photo 3
OSMS Graduation Photo 2
OSMS Graduation Photo 1
Congratulations to Gavin Haim, this year's recipient of the Josephine M. Marcolini Memorial School Award. This award recognizes a fifth grader who best exemplifies the qualities, values, and educational standards of the former educator, Mrs. Marcolini, while honoring her memory
almost 2 years ago, Trent Gerbers
Gavin Haim - Marcolini Award Winner