OSMS students visit CT Superior Court and meet with State DA and judge.
11 months ago, Matt Walton
Grade 8 leadership group visits the United States Coast Guard Academy. Students toured the facility and even drove the ship simulator. What a great opportunity.
11 months ago, Matt Walton
On Thursday, April 4, OSMS students participated in the annual Swellness Day event. Activities focused on bettering our students' and staff's physical, mental, and emotional health. Plus, there were baby goats! Thank you to our community partners who made this day possible!
11 months ago, Trent Gerbers
Swellness Day Photo 1
Swellness Day Photo 2
Swellness Day Photo 3
Swellness Day Photo 4
Our last OSMS Unified Sports Basketball game of the year is taking place today against Westbrook! The game was preceded by a parade in the halls of the school, where the entire student body turned out to cheer on our team. GO RAMS!
12 months ago, Trent Gerbers
OSMS Unified Sports 1
OSMS Unified Sports 12
OSMS Unified Sports 3
OSMS Unified Sports 4
Congratulations to Ava Becker and Reid Goodale, two OSMS students honored by State Representative Devin Carney for their excellent essays on outstanding women in Connecticut.
12 months ago, Trent Gerbers
Ava Becker
Reid Goodale
OSMS students awarded citations by Devin Carney, CT State Representative, for winning essays for Women’s History Month.
12 months ago, Matt Walton
We were thrilled to have acclaimed author Jordan Sonnenblick spend the day at OSMS. He facilitated Writer's Workshops with 6th and 7th grades and concluded the day with a whole-school assembly. Throughout the day, he inspired students (and teachers) to be readers and writers.
12 months ago, Trent Gerbers
OSMS Writer's Workshop
Opening night of Frozen Jr. at OSMS
12 months ago, Matt Walton
Mr. Labriola is teaching the CT safe boating course to OSMS students. He brought his boat to school so students can be hands on and tie off lines to his boat cleats.
12 months ago, Matt Walton
Boating class
Due to the snow day on January 16, 2024, there will be a regular school day on Wednesday, February 21, 2024. Schools will remain closed for Winter Break on Monday, February 19 and Tuesday, February 20. Enjoy the long weekend!
about 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
Old Saybrook Public Schools Closed on February 13, 2024
about 1 year ago, Jan Perruccio
Superintendent Perruccio attended the CSDE launch of a 4 million dollar fund for teacher grants. Teachers across the state can apply for $1,000 grants!
about 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
Superintendent Perruccio Attends CSDE Grant Launch
Remember that tomorrow, February 2, is a Professional Development Half Day across the District. All schools will dismiss on their respective half-day schedule. Goodwin - 12:35PM Middle School - 11:55AM High School - 12:00PM
about 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
Tonight, we celebrated the musical miracle that is 5th grade band!
about 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
5th grade band concert
5th grade band concert 2
5th grade band concert 3
5th grade band concert 4
Last night we celebrated several of our students and staff at the third Ram Pride Unique Achievement Expo! Each student got the chance to showcase their unique talents, skills and hobbies to the community, and we couldn't have been more impressed.
about 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
Ram Pride Expo 1
Ram Pride Expo 2
Ram Pride Expo 3
Ram Pride Expo 4
All Old Saybrook Public Schools will be closed today. This day will be made up on February 21, 2024. 
about 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
January 9, 2024 - All O.S.P.S. afternoon and evening activities will be canceled as of 5:00 p.m. this evening, including the Old Saybrook Board of Education Meeting.
about 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
Grade 8 Course Registration for HS: This week, grade 8 students met with department leaders to learn about classes at the high school related to their interests. Our goal is to support students in identifying advanced level courses that they would like to complete at the high school and creating a pathway over the next 4 years to attain that goal. Students completed an interest inventory to identify possible career clusters that they may enjoy in their futures. Then, the students attended two presentations aligned to those areas of interest. Over the next week, students will be working with teachers to review their progress this year to make decisions about course placement for next school year. Registration will occur at school on January 11th. We encourage you to talk with your child about the courses they are interested in taking next year.
about 1 year ago, Krista Bauchman
Math Talk
ELA Talk
Fine Arts Talk
World Language Talk
WL Pathways
DON'T FORGET: Tomorrow, December 22, is a half-day across the District! Have a Happy Holiday!
about 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
Our Middle School Chorus sang their hearts out at last night's Fall Concert. It was a beautiful performance by all.
over 1 year ago, Trent Gerbers
OSMS Fall Chorus Concert